Change Log


  • Fix: run(::Program): wrap pwd() in try-catch block in case the dir no longer exists. It happens because workding dir is not thread safe in Julia. If other program delete the directory, it will fail.


  • Compat: Julia v1.10: hasmethod(f, t) in Julia v1.10 changed its behavior. It affects Program function check. Use length(methods(f, t)) instead.


  • Compat: Julia v1.9: init(): change the if statement of printing Base.stdxxx was changed when initiating Pipelines.jl: now detects WindowsRawSocket.


  • Compat: Julia v1.9: init(): change the if statement of printing Base.stdxxx was changed when initiating Pipelines.jl: now detects RawFD.


  • Compat: Julia v1.9: init(): change the if statement of printing Base.stdxxx was changed when initiating Pipelines.jl: now detects <fd>
  • Change using FilePathsBase to import FilePathsBase:AbstractPath to avoid variable conflict.


  • Fix: the flaw of recursion of keyword_interpolation.


  • Feature: remove reexport of FilePathsBase package to suppress warning 'Both Dates and FilePathsBase exports canonicalize'.


  • Fix: run: wrap cd(dir_backup) in try-catch block in case the dir no longer exists. happens because workding dir is not thread safe in Julia. If other program delete the directory, it will fail.


  • Fix: redirection.jl: wrap all redirect_stdXXX in the try-catch block.


  • Feature: flush ios after task finished (redirect_to_files).

v0.9.6 - v0.9.7

  • Fix: not showing warning when Base.stdout or Base.stderr is system file redirection (IOStream, fd) when initiating Pipelines.jl


  • Docs: add new page: tips and trobleshoots.



  • Feature: run id file also try to record all possible files from Base.AbstractCmd inputs/outputs.


  • Feature: If skipping program, not showing @info of start.
  • Feature: @logmsg does not show module, file, line etc.


  • Fix: pretty print of Pipelines types.


  • Feature: run id file contain file information to guess whether files are updated and better decide rerun.
  • Fix: quote_function: func(a; b = b): if b is one of inputs or outputs, the first b does not change.


  • Feature: If any file (not dir) paths of the inputs are newer than the run id file, the program will run again to update the outputs, even if the run id file exists. (#4)


  • Feature: Enchance compatibility with JobSchedulers v0.6.12: Program has a new field called arg_forward that is used to forward user-defined inputs/outputs to specific keyword arguments of JobSchedulers.Job(::Program, ...), including name::String, user::String, ncpu::Int, mem::Int.


  • Fix: If defining a Program using Expr in other packages, the precompilation will fail due to the Expr will be @eval to a function in Pipelines. Julia does not allow define new functions in a compiled module. To avoid this, we have to pass the current module to CmdProgram or JuliaProgram. In this fix, the two methods accepts a new keyword argument mod, which allows users to pass mod = @__MODULE__ manually.


  • Feature: New Arg data type for storing inputs and outputs information in Program. arg_inputs::Vector{Arg} and arg_outputs::Vector{Arg} are new fields of Program.

  • Feature: If a Arg name of inputs/outputs is a Symbol, run id will not generate using this Arg, which is useful for args do not affect the results, such as nthread, ncpu. (#8)

  • Fix other issues.

  • Docs: better documentation for v0.8 features.


  • Optimize: dictreplace!(ex::AbstractString, s::Symbol, v::Expr) is now several times faster.

  • Docs: better documentation for v0.8 features.


  • Feature: quote_function allows user to use 'elements of inputs and outputs as variables' when defining Program. To use the feature, users can pass quote ... end to Program's arguments that requires Function before, such as main, validate_inputs. From Pipelines v0.8, all Expr provided will be converted to Function automatically. See details in quote_expr.


  • Feature: check_reserved_xxputs does not need xxput_types::Vector{Type}.


  • Feature: now run(p; kwargs...) works like prog_run(p::Program; kwargs...). If original inputs, outputs are given, and same keys in kwargs... are found, the latter will override the former. If program args are conflict with other arguments, an error will throw.

  • Feature: infer_outputs(prog; INPUT1 = 5) now supports run-like kwargs.

  • Feature: Before creating new Program, check_reserved_xxputs and check_function_methods.


  • Fix: replace @run in v0.7.5 with a new function prog_run(p::Program; kwargs...). The original @run only works for global variables, otherwise you need to use @eval and complicated $ to pass variables to AST.
  • Fix replace @vars in v0.7.5 with a non-exported function parse_program_args(p::Program; args...). It returns (inputs::Dict{String}, outputs::Dict{String}, kwargs::Tuple).


  • Feature (removed in v0.7.6): Simplify: new macro @run program key_value_args... run_args...: Run program without creating inputs::Dict and outputs::Dict. The inputs and outputs are provided in the form of key = value, rather than Dict.

  • Feature (removed in v0.7.6): Simplify: new macro @vars program::Program key_value_args...: Return run-able (inputs::Dict, outputs::Dict) for program using key_value_args in the form of key = value.


  • Fix: check_dependency(p::Program) return ::Bool now.

  • Feature: check_dependency(p::CmdDependency; exit_when_fail::Bool = p.exit_when_fail): new argument exit_when_fail to override p.exit_when_fail.

  • Feature: new function to check all CmdDependency and Program under m::Module: check_dependency(m::Module = @__MODULE__; exit_when_fail = true, verbose = true)

  • Feature: new function to display dependency status: status_dependency(m::Module = @__MODULE__; exit_when_fail = false, verbose = true).


  • Fix a method overwrite warning when defining Base.redirect_stdout(f::Function, ::Nothing) = f(): redirectstdout and redirectstderr are the same (::Base.RedirectStdStream) at least from julia v1.7, so defining redirectstdout means redirectstderr is also defined. If diff exists in previous julia versions, check first.


  • Optimize: do not show the error stack traces twice (@error and rethrow()).


  • Optimize: the returned value of the main function of JuliaProgram does not required to be a Dict. If it is not a Dict or the returned Dict fails to pass keyword check, a warn message will be displayed and the inferred outputs will be used.

  • Fix: MethodError: no method matching sort(::Dict{String, Any}) in generate_run_uuid(...): import OrderedCollections.jl.

  • Optimize: do not show the error messages twice when stderr is not redirected.


  • Fix: generate_run_uuid: more stable way to generate run UUID using inputs and outputs.

Caution: The UUIDs generated using old versions will be out of date, so if you run the same Program with the same parameters, the program will generate a different UUID. This is why it is considered as a breaking version.


  • Fix: to_xxput_dict(d::Dict): v not defined: change v to d.

  • Fix: xxputs_completion_and_check(p, inputs, outputs): Now, if outputs are not empty and p.infer_outputs is defined, the function will first run p.infer_outputs and then merge the result and outputs (user-input keys are kept).

  • Optimize: function infer_outputs(p::Program, inputs) now works like xxputs_completion_and_check but only return outputs::Dict{String}. It does not affect user-defined function p.infer_outputs. In addition, inputs is no longer strict to Dict{String} because the it will convert to Dict{String} first.


  • Feature: allow retry for failed program: run(p::Program, ...; retry = 1).

  • Fix: the run id file generated after a successful run is under the directory specified in run(p::Program, ...; dir = "directory"), if p.id_file is not an absolute path (default).

  • Feature: verbose in run(p::Program, ...; verbose = :min): If true or :all, print all info and error messages. If :min, print minimum info and error messages. If false or :none, print error messages only.


  • Fix: Export restore_stderr.


  • Fix: stdxxx_origin set to nothing when reloading Pipelines from another module.


  • Optimize: stack traces of failed results.

  • Fix: original stdout and stderr can be recovered by using restore_stdout() and restore_stderr(). Remove set_default_stdout() and set_default_stderr() because they cause confusion sometimes.

  • Optimize: default output of program info.


  • Fix: results of isok(::AbstractString) should be expected.


  • Optimize: allow check dependencies when test argument is empty.


  • Fix: change DataType to Type throughout the code. It allows successful parsing of Union Type, such as "READ1" => Union{String, Vector{String}}.


  • Fix file redirecting exception when redirecting to a closed stream. Not solved: Redirecting in Julia are not thread safe, so unexpected redirection might be happen if you are running programs in different Tasks or multi-thread mode.


  • Better error stack trace after capturing.

  • Update file redirecting.


  • Fix file redirecting.


  • Feature: run(p::Program, ...) supports running at a specified directory (dir). Run ID files will also create at that directory.

  • Feature: run(p::Program, ...) supports redirecting stdout, stderr and stdlog (Julia log output, such as @info, @warn, @error).

  • Fix: CmdProgram supports commands such as pipeline(cmd, stdout=stderr), which redirect stdout to stderr now because prepare_cmd(h::Base.TTY, inputs, outputs) method is added.


  • Fix: CmdDependency: do not check when test_args are empty.


  • Feature: to_cmd and to_str: support argument ::Regex or ::Any.


  • Feature: Building Program: Support type assertion and default arguments of inputs and outputs, such as "arg" => 5, "arg" => Int, "arg" => 5 => Int, "arg" => Int => 5.

  • Feature: Program and run(::Program) no longer require inputs and outputs to be Vector or Dict. They can be both Vector or Dict, or even an element of Vector or Dict, as long as they can be converted. Eg:

    p = CmdProgram(
        cmd_dependencies = [julia],
        id_file = "id_file",
        inputs = [
            "input2" => Int,
            "optional_arg" => 5,
            "optional_arg2" => 0.5 => Number
        outputs = "output" => "<input>.output"
        cmd = `echo input input2 optional_arg optional_arg2 output`
    inputs = Dict(
        "input" => `in1`,
        "input2" => 2
    outputs = [
        "output" => "out"
    run(p, inputs, outputs,
        skip_when_done = false,
        verbose = true,
        touch_run_id_file = false
  • Feature: Pretty print of Program. Eg:

    julia> p
      name             → Command Program
      id_file          → id_file
      info_before      → auto
      info_after       → auto
      cmd_dependencies → CmdDependency[`/usr/software/julia-1.4.2/bin/julia -Cnative -J/usr/software/julia-1.4.2/lib/julia/ -O3 -g1`]
      inputs           → "input"         :: Any    (required)
                         "input2"        :: Int64  (required)
                         "optional_arg"  :: Any    (default: 5)
                         "optional_arg2" :: Number (default: 0.5)
      validate_inputs  → do_nothing
      prerequisites    → do_nothing
      cmd              → `echo input input2 optional_arg optional_arg2 output`
      infer_outputs    → do_nothing
      outputs          → "output" :: Any (default: <input>.output)
      validate_outputs → do_nothing
      wrap_up          → do_nothing


  • Support JobSchedulers.jl.


  • Fix examples in docs.


  • CmdDependency: Better interpolation in Cmd.

    # old version
    `$(dep.exec) --args`
    # or
    `$(exec(dep)) --args`
    # now
    `$dep --args`
  • New JuliaProgram for pure Julia implementation.

  • Program is the Abstract type containing CmdProgram and JuliaProgram substypes.