

  • Optimize: remove extra scheduler_status check in queue_progress(...).
  • Optimize: wait_queue(show_progress=false) no longer took 100% CPU. Now it computes exit condition only when scheduler updates.
  • Change: explicit error when calling the second wait_queue(...). Only one is allowed each time.
  • Compat: JLD2 0.5.


  • Fix: error when calling wait_queue(;show_progress=true) and no job has been submitted.


  • Feat: new macro @submit to create a job using an expression. It will automatically add explictly referred Job dependencies by walking through the symbols in the expression.
  • Feat: new method fetch.


  • Fix: job not defined if Job failed.


  • Feat/Optimize: Rewriting scheduler for 200~400X speed up. Scheduling 100,000 small tasks in 0.2 seconds using 24 threads.
  • Deprecate: SCHEDULER_UPDATE_SECOND and set_scheduler_update_second() are no longer required. Changing them will have no effect on the scheduler.
  • Feat: Now, the scheduler updates when needed, and every 0.5 second. When specific events happen, scheduler_need_action() is used to trigger update of the scheduler. SCHEDULER_REACTIVATION_TASK[] is used to trigger scheduler_need_action() every 0.5 second because a regular check is needed for future jobs (defined by j::Job.schedule_time).
  • Change: Job's fields stdout_file::String and stderr_file::String is changed to stdout::Union{IO,AbstractString,Nothing} and stderr::Union{IO,AbstractString,Nothing}.
  • Change: remove function format_stdxxx_file(x).
  • Optimize: check whether a job needs IO redirection before wrapping in task. Also, avoid unecessary stack when wrapping a new job, avoiding recurring job's stack overflow due to creating new jobs.
  • Feat: Now people can set_group_seperator(group_seperator::Regex=r": *"). A group name will be given to Job. It is useful when showing progress meters.
  • Feat: New wait(j::Job) and wait(js::Vector{Job}).
  • Optimize: progress bar now does not blink: now we do not clear lines before printing. Instead, printing a "erase from cursor to end of line" characters.
  • Optimize: rewrite progress computing for much faster speed.


  • Change: ncpu now also accepts Float64, but if 0 < ncpu < 1, job still binds to one thread and other jobs cannot use binded threads.
  • Change: Job's field name :create_time is changed to :submit_time.
  • Change: check duplicate job when submitting: check submit_time == DateTime(0), rather than recursively check existing jobs in JOB_QUEUE.
  • Feat: showing queue() is better.


  • Update: remove print-to-stdout statements during precompilation.


  • Compat: fix precompilation runs forever in Julia v1.10.


  • Feat: not replace Base.istaskfailed. Use istaskfailed2 instead.
  • Feat: recurring job: job does not immediately after submit, except manually set Job(..., schedule_time). (#8)
  • Feat: no double printing stacktrace when a job failed.
  • Feat: progress bar: dim job count == 0. (#9)


  • Fix: scheduler() handles errors and InteruptExceptions more wisely. (Thanks to @fivegrant, #7)


  • Feat: ncpu == 0 can set to a Job, but a warning message shows.
  • Feat: dependency = DONE => job_A: to be simplified to dependency = job_A or dependency =
  • Feat: Simplify Job() methods.
  • Feat: submit!(Job(...)): to be simplified to submit!(...).
  • Feat: schedule repetitive jobs using Cron until a specific date and time: Job(cron = Cron(0,0,*,*,*,*), until = Year(1)). It is inspired by Linux-based crontab.
  • Change: Job(): default wall time value increase to Year(1) from Week(1).
  • Change: SCHEDULER_TASK is now a Base.RefValue{Task} rather than undefined or Task.


  • Compat: Pipelines v0.9, 0.10 (new), 1 (not published).
  • Docs: Use Documenter.jl.


  • Update: Term to v2.
  • Feat: Set a lower loop interval of nthreads > 2.
  • Feat: Move scheduler_start() in __init__().


  • Feature: Better progress bar for visualization.


  • Fix: solve_optimized_ncpu(): devision by 0 if njob == 0.


  • Feature: solve_optimized_ncpu(): Find the optimized number of CPU for a job.


  • Fix: style_line(): index error for special UTF characters.


  • Fix: if original stdout is a file, not contaminating stdout using wait_queue(show_progress = true).


  • Change: remove extra blank lines after wait_queue(show_progress = true).

  • Fix a benign error (task switch error for sleep()).


  • Feature: Progress meter: wait_queue(show_progress = true).


  • Compat: Pipelines v0.9: significant improvement on decision of re-run: considering file change.
  • Fix: pretty print of Job and Vector{Job}.


  • Fix: unexpected output of scheduler_status() when SCHEDULER_TASK is not defined.


  • Compat: PrettyTables = "0.12 - 2" to satisfy DataFrames v1.3.5 which needs PrettyTables v1 but not v2.


  • Remove dependency DataFrames and change to PrettyTables. The loading time of DataFrames is high.

  • Feature: now a Job is sticky to one thread (>1). JobSchedulers allocates and manuages it. The SCHEDULER_TASK is sticky to thread 1.

  • Feature: queue(...) is rewritten.

  • Feature: Better pretty print of Job and queue().

  • Feature: New function: wait_queue() waits for all jobs in queue() become finished.

  • Feature: New function: set_scheduler()

  • Fix: set_scheduler_max_cpu(percent::Float64): use default_ncpu() if error.

  • Change: SCHEDULERUPDATESECOND to 0.05 from 0.6


  • Feature: Enchance compatibility with Pipelines v0.8.5: Program has a new field called arg_forward that is used to forward user-defined inputs/outputs to specific keyword arguments of JobSchedulers.Job(::Program, ...), including name::String, user::String, ncpu::Int, mem::Int.


  • Fix: running queue() when updating queue: use lock within DataFrames.DataFrame(job_queue::Vector{Job}).


  • Update documents.


  • Support Pipelines.jl v0.8.


  • Feature: Replace @Job with Job to run program without creating inputs::Dict and outputs::Dict. Remove @Job.


  • Feature: Run program without creating inputs::Dict and outputs::Dict: @Job program::Program key_value_args... Job_args.... See also @run in Pipelines.jl.


  • Optimize: job.dependency now accepts DONE => job, [DONE =>; PAST => job2].

  • Optimize: is_dependency_ok(job::Job)::Bool is rewritten: for loop when found a dep not ok, and delete previous ok deps. If dep is provided as Int, query Int for job and then replace Int with the job.


  • Fix: If an app is built, SCHEDULERMAXCPU and SCHEDULERMAXMEM will be fixed to the building computer: fix by re-defining SCHEDULER_MAX_CPU and SCHEDULER_MAX_MEM in __init__().

  • Debug: add debug outputs.


  • Fix: scheduler_stop() cannot stop because v0.6.1 update. Now scheduler_stop does not send ^C to SCHEDULER_TASK, but a new global variable SCHEDULER_WHILE_LOOP::Bool is added to control the while loop in scheduler().

  • Optimize: the package now can be precompiled: global Task cannot be precompiled, so we do not define SCHEDULER_TASK::Task when loading the package. Define it only when needed.


  • Fix: scheduler_start() now wait until SCHEDULER_TASK is actually started. Previously, it returns after schedule(SCHEDULER_TASK).


  • Compat Pipelines v0.7.0.


  • Robustness: scheduler() and waitforlock(): wrap sleep() within a try-catch block. If someone sends ctrl + C to sleep, scheduler wont stop.


  • Compatibility: Pipelines v0.5.0: Job(...; dir=dir).


  • Fix: programcloseio: If the current stdout/stderr is IO, restore to default stdout/stderr.


  • Compatibility: Pipelines v0.5.0: fixed redirection error and optimized stack trace display. Extend Base.istaskfailed to fit Pipelines and JobSchedulers packages, which will return a StackTraceVector in t.result, while Base considered it as :done. The fix checks the situation and modifies the real task status and other properties.


  • Export PAST. PAST is the super set of DONE, FAILED, CANCELLED, which means the job will not run in the future.


  • If running with multi-threads Julia, SCHEDULER_TASK runs in thread 1, and other jobs spawn at other threads. Thread assignment was achieved by JobScheduler. Besides, SCHEDULER_MAX_CPU = nthreads() > 1 ? nthreads()-1 : Sys.CPU_THREADS.

  • New feature: queue(job_state::Symbol).

  • Use try-finally for all locks.


  • Tasks run on different threads, if Julia version supports and nthreads() > 1.

  • Use SpinLock.

  • Fix typo "queuing" from "queueing".

  • Notify when a job is failed.